Day 10 – 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting for Revival Fire

Download the entire 21 Day of Prayer and Fasting for Revival Fire daily guide.

DAY 10

Scripture: 1 Chronicles 12:32

Prayer Points – Pray for Understanding of Times

1. Pray that God will help you be like the Sons of Issachar, (I Chronicles 12:32).

2. To be a son or daughter of God, who, “understand the times and know what to do”

3. Ask God to help you grasp the stakes in this hour for the Church.

4. Ask to help you become so impassioned to give all you’ve got to battle for Revival and Spiritual Awakening.

5. Ask God to help you become fierce lovers and tender warriors hungry to embrace covenant with God and with others in order to impact our church, our communities, the nation and the world as they’ve never been impacted before.

6. Help you to be devoted to prayer.

7. To be sold out to obedience to the two Great Commandments: to love the Lord with all our hearts and to love one another as ourselves.

8. To seek out and partner with other strong believers longing for a Spiritual awakening and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit this end time.



Have you participated in any prayer gatherings at church recently? Why or why not? _________________________________________________________________

Have you joined any prayer chains or intercessors groups? Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

Have you been a national or regional prayer event in the past year? If yes, what did you take back from it? ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


Published by Nathanstrom

Ordained Bishop with the Church of God; Cleveland, TN; Senior Pastor at Grand Haven Church of God.